Newsletter #2

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Were you able to take a vacation?

     As a business owner, too often the answer to this question is "No".  That's because running a business is no easy task.  Training someone to run a business in your stead only compounds that difficulty. 
     This is one of the most important problems to solve as a business owner because it frees up your time for vacation, family life, and much needed relaxation.  The good news is that the solution is much easier than you might expect.  Automate your workflow processes.  Automation is such a big buzzword right now because it's the key to scaling up your business.  It's the key to passing off the reins from time to time so you are able to take a break.
     Tracker-CORE is software built to automate every aspect of your business so that tracking your core metrics in real time becomes as simple as glancing at a dashboard on your phone.  Give it a try.  Take a breather.  Once you've run your business with Tracker-CORE, you'll find you can't live without it.

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